We can cater for all your needs from focus groups to
1:1 in-depth interviews.
Studio and Viewing Room
Cambridge Market Research has a fully equipped spacious studio and viewing room which provide a professional yet comfortable location for clients to observe group discussions via a TV link. The Cambridge Suite is available to hire for qualitative research (for which we are happy to provide recruitment and moderator services) as well as off-site meetings and conferences.

Our studio is set up to comfortably accommodate testing groups, and offers the following:
​Flexible layout options
Air conditioning
40″ screen LCD displays with laptop connections
Flip chart, pens & pads
Fridge stocked with drinks
Testing can be monitored via the Cambridge Suite’s viewing room, which offers:
​Observation via a large TV screen
Capacity for up to 10 observers
Fridge stocked with drinks

Cambridge Market Research, Unit H
South Cambridge Business Park, Babraham Road, Sawston. CB22 3JH
01223 492050